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July 2024
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Saturdays 6 April - 4 May, 27 May, 8 June - 29 June and 7 September - 26 October 2024

Sundays 31 March - 27 October 2024

Ticket prices
Adults 17 €

Saturdays 6 April - 4 May, 27 May, 8 June - 29 June and 7 September - 26 October 2024 (not on 21.9.2024)

Fridays 10 + 31 May, 12 + 26 July, 2 + 23 August 2024

Sundays  31 March (Eastern), 12 May (Mothers Day), 19 May (Whitsun) 2024

Additionally Monday - Sunday on request and after announcement. Just take a look at our calendar from time to time.

Ticket prices 2024
Adults 14 €
Children 7 - 16 years 6 €

ca. 1 ¼ hours

For further information, please open the relevant trip!

We have an additional start/arrival time from/to Burgen and Hatzenport:

Hop-On, Hop Off

You can start in the morning, have a break and finish the cruise in the afternoon*.

for example:

10.00 am  departure in Alken

10.30 am arrival in Hatzenport - have a stay2.30 pm departure in Hatzenport

3.30 pm arrival in Alken


10.50 am departure in Burgen

12 am arrival in Alken - have a stay<

2 pm departure in Alken

2.50 pm arrival in Burgen.

Our departures and arrivals

  departure arrival departure arrival
9.45 am      11.45 am       1.45 pm      3.10 pm
Löf 9.50 am 11.50 am 1.50 pm 3.20 pm
Alken 10.00 am 12.00 am 2.00 pm 3.30 pm
Oberfell 10.10 am 12.10** am   2.10 pm 3.40** pm 
Hatzenport 10.30 am --- 2.30 pm ---
Burgen 10.50 am --- 2.50 pm ---


* Please tell the crew at the begin of the cruise if you like to underbreak the cuise.
** An arrival is only possible after demand - if no people start the cruise at 10.10 am or 2.10 pm from Oberfell, we do not arrive at this station.

20th July 2024
27th July 2024
17th August 2024


Cruise with lock passage

a stay of approx. 2 - 2 ½ hours in Cochem and return

2024 the cruises starts at this days:

Tuesdays:       2. April - 29. Oktober 2024 (not at the 4. +11.6.)**

Thursdays:    2. Mai - 17. Oktober 2024 (not at the 6.6.)**

Saturdays:     6. Juli - 31. August 2024 (not at the 10.8.) and 30. March (Eastern), 11. May, 18. May (Whitsun) and 1. June 2024

**Because of controlling and repairing of all the Moselle-locks, there are no cruises through locks from 3.-12. June 2024. (Than we offer round cruises)

Fare per person 2024:
Return journey:      27 € adult    13 € children (attended by adults) 7- 16 years   
single cruise:          19 € adult     9 € children (attended by adults) 7- 16 years  

Day-trip with lock-passage

stay in Koblenz of 2 - 2 1/2 hours and return

Regular Cruises 2024

Every Wednesday

from 2. April - 29. May, 19. June - 23. October 2024
(because of controlling and repairing of the Moselle-locks there is no cruise to Koblenz possible at the 5th and 12th June 2024, we offer round-cruises from Alken)

Additional cruises possible

Fare 2024
per person from Brodenbach, Löf, Alken:
Return journey:      27 € adult    13 € children (attended by adults) 7- 16 years   
single cruise:          19 € adult     9 € children (attended by adults) 7- 16 years  

pro Person from Kobern (K) / from Winningen (W):
Return journey:      K 25 € / W 18 € adult    K 13 € / W 8 €  children (attended by adults) 7- 16 years
single cruiset:              K 17 € / W 13 € adult     K  9 € / W 6 €  children (attended by adults) 7- 16 years

registration is required

registration is required

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